Privately owned used car operation with branches in Tonbridge and Wolverhampton
There are several factors that will make your PCBS experience completely different from most used car outlets you have encountered.
Firstly, and most importantly, are the people that make up PCBS. It is believed that there is no substitute for experience, and here at PCBS, you will find that our team's experience is knitted with modern technology to deliver a refreshing, time-saving and professional approach to used car retailing.
PCBS has a dedicated buying company which sources cars direct from the public, therefore (virtually without exception) all cars are direct from the private owner, either purchased directly or taken in part exchange directly. When buying from us, you can be assured that you are not buying something that’s been passed through the trade many times, passed through auction or been disposed of due to unknown issues.
Dealing with people over the internet can be a fairly remote affair, not so at PCBS. We are geared up to provide detailed information remotely about all our vehicles with walkaround videos and information packs providing information of specification, service history, etc. Like many of our customers, you can be confident to travel from a long distance to buy your dream car, safe in the knowledge you’re not going to be disappointed on arrival at one of our sites.